Love, Joy, Peace...

Epiphany Lutheran Church is a member of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC).  As "Followers of Jesus" we believe the saving act of Christ crucified and salvation through grace received by faith in Jesus Christ. We constantly strive to share the "Good News" through Outreach programs, worship services, Christian education and fellowship. As followers of Jesus, this body of Christ welcomes all people as we live out our calling to “Love God and Neighbor”.

Epiphany emerged as a renewed congregation in 2021 after separating from the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) in 2019 due to theological differences.  This body of true believers began its Pensacola journey in 1956, and has continued to grow. Although we have more than 300 members, we foster a supportive and caring church atmosphere, encouraging the people of God with opportunities for fellowship and education. Epiphany Lutheran Church offers ministries and activities to help the faithful walk with Christ in our community and the world.

You are invited to worship to celebrate your life with Christ. Come and celebrate the love of Christ, share in the Word of God, eat the “Bread of Life” and drink the “Cup of Salvation”. Guests are welcome in the community of believers. If at some point you wish to become a disciple here at Epiphany, you may join God’s church by a letter of transfer from another Lutheran Church or by instruction and conversation with the pastor. If you have never had a relationship with Jesus Christ and would like to experience the joy of life in Christ, come and worship, come and share the Joy of the Lord.